毎週クスリと笑える英語ジョークを紹介している爆笑メルマガ『笑える英語 無料版』から、今回は「一番気の利いたプレゼント」というジョークをご紹介します。
(原題:Trained parrot – 訓練されたオウム)
There was a little old lady who was nearly blind, and she had three sons who wanted to prove which one was the best to her.
Son #1 bought her a 15-room mansion, thinking this would surely be the best that any of them could offer her.
Son #2 bought her a beautiful Mercedes with a chauffeur included, thinking this would surely win her approval.
Son #3 had to do something even better, so he bought her a parrot that he had been training for 15 years to memorize the entire Bible. You could ask the parrot any verse in the Bible, and he could quote it word for word. What a gift that would be.
Well, the old lady went to the first son and said, “Son, the house is just gorgeous, but it’s really much too big for me. I only live in one room, and it’s too large to clean and take care of. I really don’t need the house, but thank you anyway.”
Then she confronted her second son with, “Son, the car is beautiful. It has everything you could ever want on it, but I don’t drive and really don’t like the chauffeur, so please return the car.”
Next, she went to Son #3 and said, “Son, I just want to thank you for your most thoughtful gift. That chicken was delicious.“